by admin | Oct 5, 2015 | Blog Posts
Dawn, You are truly beyond an equal in the detail department. Thank you for all of this – I feel exceptionally prepared. Barbara Grantham, CEO, VGH + UBC Hospital Foundation

Dawn, Just wanted to say thank you for another great summer on the golf course. You and your team are amazing, consummate professionals, so organized, and a ton of fun! Thank you for having me back year after year. Kate Gajdosik, Global TV
by admin | Oct 5, 2015 | Blog Posts
It was another amazing day and incredible event. The coordination and planning are always so well done. We both really enjoyed the day (and the dinner afterward)!
We’ll be there same time next year and please let me know if you have other events that would be a good fit for us.
Operations Manager
HoneyBee Center
by admin | Sep 28, 2015 | Blog Posts
What people were saying at the 2015 Saccomaniacs Golf Tournament …
Kealy’s Diamond Vodka “It meant a lot to see how much you put into the golf tourney for both your
golfers and sponsors. Thanks a lot and glad to be a part of it!”
Slavic Rolls: “Always wonderful to be part of your tournaments – great people, attention to detail, and everyone loves the day. Thank you, Dawn!” 
White Spot: “Dawn, thank you for all the attention you give your suppliers and sponsors. We love the detail, and the hard work and effort you put into every event.”
by admin | Mar 1, 2015 | Blog Posts
The best gala dinner we have ever seen – the partnerships you have created, the added value you brought to the event, amazing. how you created that event with so little budget – and had all sponsors and partners involved – the marks of a true professional.
Heidi Romich
Chair, BC Restaurant Hall of Fame
by admin | Feb 20, 2015 | Blog Posts
Go Golf events worked very well with a diverse group of volunteers – both on the planning committee and on the course on the day of the tournament. Their dedication, work ethics, leadership and training created a cohesive team; the team came together year after year – now in its thirteenth year, and over 200 volunteers at the event.
by admin | Feb 15, 2015 | Blog Posts
Dawn is a go-getter. She can match everyone’s energy and is always looking to get your event ahead of the crowd. You can trust her experience and more importantly her instincts. Your golf event should run through her company. You’ll get results.
Vernon Creek